Hello Thacher Families,
We have had an amazing time in Wellness since our last update in October! We were able to take advantage of the warm fall weather and had some fun days outside, as well as lots of learning in the classroom. Students have finished the Social Skills unit and are now moving on to learn about Hygiene and Healthy Practices. Check below to see the topics per grade level:
Kindergarten, Project Success, and Insights - Hygiene Skills, My Teeth and Mouth, Exercise, The Importance of Sleep
Grade 1 - Body Systems (Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, and Respiratory Systems), How to Brush, Exercise, The Importance of Sleep
Grade 2 - Hygiene Choices, Brushing and Flossing, Enjoying Exercise, What Does Sleep Do For Me?
Grade 3 - Body Systems (Nervous, Digestive, Immune, and Integumentary Systems), Brushing and Flossing, What Exercise is Right for Me?, What Does Sleep Do for Me?
Grade 4 - Creating Healthy Hygiene Habits, Exploring Lifetime Benefits of Healthy Teeth, Exercise and my Wellbeing, Setting Sleep Routines
The timing of this hygiene unit is purposeful; the hope is that students will use what they learn in class to avoid spreading germs during the upcoming ‘sniffle season.’ Reminders and ideas for conversations you can follow up with at home include covering coughs and sneezes, getting 10-12 hours of sleep a night, brushing twice a day for two minutes, washing hands with warm water and soap (or using hand sanitizer - especially before eating), and eating healthy and nutritious foods to support a strong immune system.
As we come to the end of Term 1, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all about your child(ren)’s progress in class.
Wishing a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season to all!
Ms. Ashley Hanson
Health and Wellness Specialist