Dear Thacher Families,
The holiday season is here and there are only one week left before winter break. Classes are busy engaged in a new term of learning while having some winter seasonal fun. Our fourth graders are rehearsing for our Winter Concert on for students during the school day on Wednesday, December 18th and an evening concert for families on Thursday, December 19th.
As term one has come to a close we would like to thank the families of Thacher. We couldn’t do what we do without your continued support. As we look at the food donations accumulated, it is easy to see your generosity and care for our community. We are also fortunate to work with an incredible team here at Thacher. They have been working diligently to close out term 1. Thank you for partnering with all our staff as together we move children forward in their educational journey.
Hope to see many families at our PTO's Holiday Shop tomorrow!
Frank Rich, Principal
Sarah Desautel, Asst. Principal