Dear Thacher Families,
A quick reminder and plea to make sure you're following the stop signs as well as the traffic pattern in the parking lot and streets around the school. A few near misses due to cars not stopping at the 4-way stop signs have been reported to us recently. We know it can be frustrating and feel like the line is taking forever, but we have timed the car line and it takes less then 10 minutes to make it from the end of the line to the time you pull out to leave. Please help us make sure everyone gets home safely.
With the short week next week, we will not send out a newsletter. The next edition will be sent December 6th. Don't forget, there is no school Wednesday - Friday next week.
We hope you have a wonderful, albeit short, break and enjoy the time with your family!
Frank Rich, Principal
Sarah Desautel, Asst. Principal