Greetings Thacher families! We are off and “running”!! It's so refreshing that our students were able to jump right back into our routines and after a long relaxing summer haven't missed a beat.
Team Building:
The first few weeks of school we worked on various team building activities with both small group and whole class challenges. EVERYONE did an amazing job! Understanding the importance of working together is crucial for so many of our activities throughout the year.
Thacher Olympics:
We have started our annual Thacher Olympics. This program was introduced last school year. Our goals for Thacher Olympics are to enhance various athletic skills, create pride and a sense of ownership of each skill being taught. Although ALL students grades K-4 participate in this program we only record scores from grades 3rd and 4th. Wish us luck and watch for updates throughout the year.
Looking forward to another fun filled year here at Thacher! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!
Mr. Danny Rendell
TES Physical Education
“Where being FIT is FUN”