Hello Fine Families!
We had another great week of teaching and learning. As you know the weather forecast was quite chilly and so we spent our recess indoors this week. The forecast for next week shows a few good days where temperatures will get to the 'feels like 25 degrees'. Please ensure that your students come to school bundled and prepared for some outdoor recess days if and when the weather permits.
I would like to reiterate a few reminders to take note of in the announcements below in this week's NEWS FLASH!
Art Showcase Spotlight- We are so proud of our amazing artists at Hyman Fine. Lots of art is being displayed around the city. Check out the spotlight below for more information and congratulations to our fantastic artists!
Student Council Animal Shelter Donation- This is the last week of our Animal Shelter drive. I have included the QR code in the announcements below that will take you to the shelter's Amazon Wish List for ideas on items the shelter is in need of.
Student Chromebook Repair Costs - As you know APS has adopted a 1:1 Chromebook learning model. Each student from Grades 2 to 4 receives a Chromebook for academic use throughout the school year. While students are granted the privilege of Chromebook use, both families and students bear responsibilities in its care and usage. In the announcements below you will find more details regarding such repair costs.
PTO Superbowl TV Raffle- TV Raffle Tickets are $2 each. Click here for raffle tickets. Money and tickets are due back to school by Friday, February 7th. Our next PTO meeting is Thursday, February 6 at 6pm.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Suzy Dalessio, Principal